Hi everyone. Today I’m going to talk about the food. I have several favorite foods. To eat is a pleasure that I’d never change for nothing. To begin with, if I had to choose between my favorite foods I will choose lasagna because it taste is amazing. The mixture between the cheese and the dough gives it a special texture that combined with meat or sauteed vegetables produce a flavor that neither the pizza nor the spaghetti with any sauce can reach.
On the other hand, I like meat so much, especially when it’s cooked with any kind of vegetables like cauliflower or broccoli.
I like cooking very much, especially when I have to cook to my family. I think that cooking is a very important thing today because it gives us the opportunity to take care our health and displace the fast-food from our kitchen.
I almost never eat at the university. When I have to eat I buy lunch in the Icei’s casino. The food there is good enough for me.
I don’t have any favorite restaurant but I remember when I went to a real Chinese restaurant and the flavor of the food was radically different from the typical Chinese restaurant in Santiago.


  1. I was some time without eating meat and this year I went back to eat. really today i enjoy eat meat

  2. Icei's casino rocks jajajaja i love when they had spaguetti with pesto, it's the best!

  3. Maxi dont be a lier, you love Mayonnaise, this is your favourite food!!!


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